Gaiam Mat Yoga

gaiam mat yogaYOGA MAT: Yoga Mats Buying Guide - Important Facts

Yoga Mats Buying Guide - Important Facts

Yoga Mats Buying Guide - If you have ever tried yoga, then you know that it is an exercise as well as a way of life. Yoga can enhance your body's physical well-being as well as your mental awareness. In order to practice yoga, you will need one of the basic yoga tools: a yoga mats. But before you buy any yoga mats, there are a few things that you need to take into consideration. Let's take a closer look at some of these things.

As part of yoga, you are constantly stretching and changing positions, trying to achieve different poses. You need to provide an appropriate foundation for all this movement. One of the most important features of a yoga mat is its stability. You don't want one that is going to be sliding around, causing you to fall. It must be able to maintain a good hold for your exercise purposes. In addition, you will be sweating from the activity, so the yoga mats that will absorb the perspiration you produce will also be a feature to look for. This will prevent slipping on the wet yoga mats.

It will be your personal choice as to how padded the yoga mats will be. Extra padding will provide more cushioning when jumping from pose to pose. You may need extra padding due to a physical problem or injury. The length of your body will dictate the dimensions of the yoga mats you purchase. Generally, yoga mats should cover the area outlined by your body in a lying position. The most common size is 24x72 inches. There are many different colors available to choose from and you should be able to find one to your liking.

Yoga mats are also available in non-toxic and bio-friendly styles. This will provide you with safety and also take into account your health. Since yoga focuses on health, it would only make sense that your yoga mats should possess no ozone depleting substances and be PVC free. Since you will need to carry it to your classes, you will also want one that is lightweight and easy to transport. Also, be sure to check that it is easy to clean. And, of course, finding one that is acknowledged by teachers as a good foundation to work on is always recommended.

There are basically five different types of yoga mats available today. The cotton yoga mats is able to absorb perspiration and provides a cooling effect. The sticky yoga mats, a popular choice, is one that will stay put and is especially useful for power yoga, where there is a lot of movement. This is a thin yoga mats and needs to be sprinkled with a little water to activate its stability feature. The ultra double thickness mat is a sticky mat with double the cushioning. Although the cushioning effect is useful when jumping from one pose to another, it will also make the yoga mats bulkier. Travel yoga mats are very thin and easy to fold, but they are not as comfortable due to the slim cushioning they possess. These are perfect for the 'on the go'; stick it in the corner of my car type of individual. Meditation mats are used for relaxation and come with a pillow.

Depending on the type of yoga you plan on concentrating on, and some individual preferences, you should be able to find a sturdy yoga mat to your liking. The newest mats are made of open cell, natural rubber, which not only provides a non-slip surface but can absorb moisture as well. By choosing the appropriate yoga mats, you will provide yourself with an environment in which you can work your way to the spirituality that yoga has to offer.
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